site: description: | Find and share internet music ! is a sharre network where you can listen your, firend and all world uers music. sites: subtitle: Support des sites externes text: | Lorsque vous ajoutez un lien sur le réseau celui-ci est interprété afin d'intégrer directement le contenu que vous souhaitez partager. Ci-dessous la liste des sites dont certaines ressources sont actuellement supportées. dev: subtitle: Muzich est en cours de construction text: | Actuellement vous utilisez une version de test. De nombreuses fonctionnalités doivent voir le jour au fur et a mesure du développement. about: subtitle: Découvrez et partagez la musique d'internet text: | Grâce au réseau de découvrez chaque jour de nouvelles musiques partagés par les autres membres de ce réseau. Partagez également vos coups de cœurs sur ce même réseau. mail: general: footer: > -------------------------------- For contact us : - Find and share your music discovery 12b avenue de la roche, 04310 Peyruis, FRANCE. resetting_password: subject: Reset password content: > Hello %username%, A password reset query has been done. If you don't query that, delete this email. In oppposite, if wou want change your password, go to: %url% Cordially, team change_email: subject: Change email content: > Hello %username%, A email change query has been done. If you don't query that, delete this email. In oppposite, if you want to configure this new email adresse, go to: %url% Cordially, team presubscription: subject: Registration confirmation text: > An registration query on has been done. If you don't query that, delete this email. In oppposite, for confirm your registration go to: %url% Thank you! Cordially, team confirm_email: subject: Email confirmation text: > You registered on If you don't query that, delete this email. In oppposite, for confirm your email go to: %url% Thank you! Cordially, team help: element_add_url: title1: Add a share: HTTP address text1: | You have to paste the internet page link in this field. Take care to share the correct url page: Exemple: if you perform a search don't share the search page adresse but the result page adress ! text1_plugin: Soon an internet navigator plugin will make all of it easier. title2: Exemple with Youtube title3: Exemple with Soundcloud tags_prompt: title: Tags list text: | Tag lists are way to filter shares and specify music styles. For that you have to add your tags: subtitle1: Start to enter your tag subtitle2: Choose corresponding tag in list subtitle3: You can add others subtitle4: As much as you want ! know_more: presentation: title: Share and discover music ! text: | is a network dedicated to discover and share music on website like soundcloud, Deezer, Youtube ... With some tools you can discover music with your taste, listen them, create playlist ... flux: title: Share feed text: | A feed (user shares) what you can filter with your favorites music styles autoplay: title: Autoplay text: | You can automatically play musics, playlists, favorites ... reputation: title: Make you an reputation text: | More your shares are listen, favoriteds, etc ... More your reputation inscrease ! User other user reputation to make your own network of music lovers. help_tour: buttons: next: Next prev: Previous start: Start end: Don't display anymore close: Close home: welcome: tour: | "

A little demonstration tour ?

"+ "

Push Start button to start a tour

" elements: tour: | "

The feed

"+ "

You will find here all users shares.

" tooltip: | "

Shares are show most recently at top.

" element: tour: | "


"+ "

Different action are possible ...

" play: | "

By clicking on thumbnail you can start playing the music "+ "or open the link shared.

" actions: | "

You can, on each shares: "+ "Open original page, "+ "launch autoplay (if link is supported), "+ "add it to one of your playlists, "+ "propose tags, "+ "share it again et "+ "report it. "+ "

" likefav: | "

If you like the share you can reward the user or add it in your favorites.

" filters: tour: | "


"+ "

You can filter shares with your favorites musics styles.

" tags: | "

You can enter all your favorites music styles for see only musics corresponding at your taste.

" network: tour: | "


"+ "

You can choos to display shares of global network or personal network.

" public: | "

The global network is all user's share in the world

" private: | "

The personal network is only share of your followed users and groups

" playlist: | "

You can create and follow playlists

" addelement: tour: | "

Add a share

"+ "

An other important thing is adding share to network. "+ "More your share will be appreciated, more your reputation wil be increased. "+ "And more you use tags for specify music style, more your share will be listened.

" url: | "

The first thing to do in to add URL (http://) of page "+ "where an music is listenable.

" form: | "

If know shared website, it will prepare informations for you"+ "otherwise you will have to add information manually. Think to add "+ "tags !

" end: tour: | "

Let's go !

"+ "

Have fun !

" go: | "

Tet's go !
