userui.en.yml 9.1KB

  1. login:
  2. remember_me:
  3. label: Stay connected
  4. presubscription:
  5. info: |
  6. subscribe to presubscription
  7. security:
  8. login:
  9. username: "Login (nickname or email)"
  10. password: "Password"
  11. start:
  12. title: Subscription finished
  13. titleh2: Welcome on Muzich !
  14. description: |
  15. est une plate-forme sur laquelle découvrir et partager vos découvertes
  16. musicales sur le web. Un clip officiel sur youtube, un nouveau mix sur soundcloud, ou
  17. un album qui vous plaît sur deezer ? Partagez l'adresse de ces pages sur le réseau
  18. afin que le monde puisse profiter de votre découverte ! Vous souhaitez simplement
  19. écouter les dernières trouvaille ? Afficher le flux de ces découvertes sur votre page.
  20. Vous pourrez filtrer les résultat avec les tags de vos styles de musiques préférés
  21. ainsi que créer votre propre réseau constitué de vos utilisateurs et groupes préférés.
  22. tags:
  23. title: Choose tags with your favorites music styles
  24. remind: You can change theses tags later
  25. title:
  26. myaccount: My account
  27. mynetwork: My network
  28. home: The network
  29. editgroup: Edit %group_name% group
  30. favoriteof: %name% favorites
  31. myfavorites: My favorites
  32. sites: Supported websites
  33. devvers: Developpment
  34. about: About
  35. search: Search
  36. cgu: Legal informations
  37. change_username: Change username
  38. my_account:
  39. title: My account
  40. username: Username
  41. change_username: Change
  42. email: Email
  43. favorite_tags: Favorites tags
  44. change_password: Change password
  45. change_password_submit: Update password
  46. change_email: Change email
  47. change_email_submit: Update email
  48. choose_password: Choose password
  49. email_not_confirmed:
  50. title: Please confirm your email
  51. text: |
  52. To make this action you have to confirm your email.
  53. For it, click on confirmation email link.
  54. button: Send again confirmation email
  55. help: Check your SPAM folder
  56. address:
  57. title: My adress
  58. description: With your address can choose and propose event near your region.
  59. form:
  60. ilivenear: I live near
  61. in: in
  62. submit: Update
  63. errors:
  64. notown: Please specify town (or near big town)
  65. nocountry: Please specify country
  66. help_clicks: |
  67. Click on titles to open configurations
  68. avatar:
  69. title: My avatar
  70. submit: Update
  71. help: 'Choose picture then click on "Update"'
  72. success: Avatar updated
  73. error: Error happen when update your avatar !
  74. preferences:
  75. title: My configurations
  76. submit: Save configuration
  77. success: Configuration updated
  78. error: Error happen when updating your configuration
  79. send_email_confirm: Send again confirmation email
  80. favorite_tags_helpbox:
  81. title: Choose favorites tags
  82. text: |
  83. You tags will be used to filter results on Choose as much as you want!
  84. privacy:
  85. title: Privacy
  86. submit: Update
  87. form:
  88. favorites: Other users can see my favorites
  89. playlists: Other users can see my playlistsecture
  90. success: Privacy updated
  91. error: Error happen when updatin privacy
  92. delete:
  93. title: Delete my account
  94. text: "Warning: This action is definitive !"
  95. submit: Yes i want to delete my account
  96. change_username:
  97. submit: Change
  98. warning: "Warning: You cannot redo it again !"
  99. connexion:
  100. password_lost: Recover password
  101. more: More results
  102. tags:
  103. prompt:
  104. help_box_title: Display tags help
  105. help: |
  106. Choose one tag in list. For multiple tags, renew opération !
  107. remove_all: Remove all tags
  108. favorites: Use my favorites tags
  109. help: |
  110. "Enter <strong>a tag list</strong> below: One by one and with list."
  111. inputtext:
  112. help: Enter your tags here (one by one)
  113. search:
  114. message_found: "Tags for \"%string%\":"
  115. display_more: Display other results
  116. add:
  117. title: Add a new tag
  118. text: don't know this tag. You can propose it.
  119. argument: "You can argue:"
  120. inputs:
  121. cancel: Cancel
  122. submit: Add tag
  123. errors:
  124. min: Tag must at least have %limit% letters
  125. max: Tag must not have more than %limit% letters
  126. unknow: Error happen
  127. new:
  128. has_news: %count% elements has been added, %link%
  129. has_news_one: %count% element has been added, %link%
  130. has_news_link: click here to display them
  131. has_news_link_one: click here to display it
  132. has_news_link_more_x: click here to display %x% of them
  133. cloud:
  134. display_more: Tags have beed hidden, click here to display all of them
  135. filter:
  136. text: Find a tag
  137. favorites:
  138. submit: Save tags
  139. submenu:
  140. my_content:
  141. title: My content
  142. followed_users:
  143. title: Followed users
  144. nouser: No one
  145. followed_groups:
  146. title: Followed groups
  147. nouser: No one
  148. follower_users:
  149. title: Followed by
  150. nouser: No one
  151. otherpages:
  152. title: Special pages
  153. needtags:
  154. title: Shares who need tags
  155. filter:
  156. network: "Results of "
  157. submit: Filter
  158. clear: No filter
  159. mytags: With filter
  160. network_generic: Network
  161. network_all: Global network
  162. network_my: My network
  163. new_comments: New comments
  164. new_favoriteds: New favorites
  165. new_tags: Tags propositions
  166. tag_strict: Each tags must be found
  167. help_text: |
  168. Enter here music style what you love. When you will have configured your tags,
  169. share will be filter with your taste !
  170. element_add:
  171. prop_tags:
  172. text: "Tags propositions:"
  173. url:
  174. name: http://
  175. help: |
  176. Paste here internet link (http://) of resource/page what you want share.
  177. more_help: Click here for more help
  178. need_tags:
  179. name: Ask help for tag this share
  180. name:
  181. name: Track name - Artist
  182. added_to_group:
  183. sentence: |
  184. You can add your share in one of your groups.
  185. Click on group name to add in it.
  186. nothanks: No, don't add my share in group.
  187. element_edit:
  188. title: Edit share
  189. url:
  190. name: Link
  191. name:
  192. name: Name
  193. submit:
  194. value: Update
  195. cancel:
  196. value: Cancel
  197. tags_filter:
  198. help: To filter without tags, delete them in list.
  199. index:
  200. beta:
  201. warning: |
  202. Les inscriptions sur sont actuellement limités. Le service
  203. est actuellement en bêta fermée ! Vous pouvez néanmoins vous inscrire si vous
  204. possédez un code d'inscription
  205. system:
  206. infos:
  207. normally_js: |
  208. You have open url in new page. Please use left click (it's ajax).
  209. date:
  210. instant: just now
  211. less_than_minute: les than one minute
  212. element:
  213. report:
  214. link_title: Report share
  215. confirm:
  216. sentence: Report like inapropriate share ?
  217. yes: Yes
  218. no: No
  219. proposition_tags:
  220. link_title: Propose tags
  221. reshare:
  222. link_title: Share again
  223. confirm:
  224. sentence: Share again in yours shares ?
  225. yes: Yes
  226. no: No
  227. share:
  228. share_button: Share
  229. twitter:
  230. text: "Some music ? "
  231. comment:
  232. report:
  233. link_title: Report comment
  234. confirm:
  235. sentence: Report like inapropriate comment ?
  236. yes: Yes
  237. no: No
  238. search_tag:
  239. title: Searching tags for \"%string_search%\" ...
  240. global_search:
  241. no_results: No results for your search.
  242. need_tags:
  243. text_help: |
  244. Some users are asking help for tags theirs share. You can increase
  245. your reputation if they accepts your tags propositions !
  246. register:
  247. title: Account creation
  248. registration:
  249. submit: Register
  250. autoplay:
  251. limitations_players: Autoplay actually work with youtube, soundcloud and jamendo.
  252. events:
  253. view:
  254. link_delete: Consider like saw
  255. title:
  256. comments: Comments
  257. nvxfav: Added to favorites
  258. tagsprop: Tags propositions
  259. text:
  260. comments: You can see below owned/followed share who are commented.
  261. nvxfav: You can see below your shares added to favorites by users.
  262. tagsprop: You can see below your shares with tags propositions.