# coding=utf-8 import typing from tracim_backend.app_models.contents import ContentType if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from tracim_backend.config import CFG from tracim_backend.app_models.contents import ContentStatus class Application(object): """ Application class with data needed for frontend """ def __init__( self, label: str, slug: str, fa_icon: str, is_active: bool, config: typing.Dict[str, str], main_route: str, app_config: 'CFG', ) -> None: """ @param label: public label of application @param slug: identifier of application @param fa_icon: font awesome icon class @param is_active: True if application enable, False if inactive @param config: a dict with eventual application config @param main_route: the route of the frontend "home" screen of the application. For exemple, if you have an application called "calendar", the main route will be something like /#/workspace/{wid}/calendar. """ self.label = label self.slug = slug self.fa_icon = fa_icon self.hexcolor = self._get_hexcolor_or_default(slug, app_config) self.is_active = is_active self.config = config self.main_route = main_route self.content_types = [] # TODO - G.M - 2018-08-07 - Refactor slug coherence issue like this one. # we probably should not have 2 kind of slug @property def minislug(self): return self.slug.replace('contents/', '') def add_content_type( self, label: str, slug: str, creation_label: str, available_statuses: typing.List['ContentStatus'], slug_alias: typing.List[str] = None, allow_sub_content: bool = False, ): content_type = ContentType( slug=slug, fa_icon=self.fa_icon, label=label, hexcolor=self.hexcolor, creation_label=creation_label, available_statuses=available_statuses, slug_alias=slug_alias, allow_sub_content=allow_sub_content, ) self.content_types.append(content_type) def _get_hexcolor_or_default(self, slug: str, app_config: 'CFG') -> str: assert app_config.APPS_COLORS assert 'primary' in app_config.APPS_COLORS if slug in app_config.APPS_COLORS: return app_config.APPS_COLORS[slug] return app_config.APPS_COLORS['primary']